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We provide IT support for home and business. We have over ten years of experience in the IT field with thousands of satisfied clients.

We truly listen to our customers. We try to make all repairs or sales as quick and simple as possible, and have very fast turnaround times. We provide clear, targeted support. We don’t sell you more or less than you need.
As dealers for all the major tech companies, we stock, or have quick access to all hardware available in Israel. We are authorized resellers of all your favorite brands including Dell, Lenovo, HP, Western Digital, Sandisk, Cisco, and many more.


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Internet Lines

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There is no one answer to this question as the needs of each user and the capabilities of each filter are very different.
Filter types:
There are two main filter types.
1. ISP based filters, where the internet line is filtered at the source.
2. The second is device based filters, where the internet isn’t filtered but the device is.
Pros and cons of each.
Internet line based filters, AKA ISP based filters:
All internet coming into the house is filtered. Any device that is brought into the house will be automatically filtered if they are on the house Wi-Fi or cable.
(Note: This will not cover cell phones in the house that have their own internet source).
Cons-If you take your device out of your house or use a different internet connection you will not have any filtering on your device at ALL.
Filters on the computer, smartphone, or tablet itself:
Pros-Any Wi-Fi/internet connection you use will be filtered.
Cons-Other computers, smartphones, or tablets on your network will NOT be filtered.
Depending on how good the computer is, it may slow down your device.
Internet line filter (ISP) based options:
Rimon- Mediocre filtering and no image filtering options. The system is very generalized and run by computer analysis and geared towards the dati community. You can install a program on your computer that will not allow it to connect to the internet unfiltered outside of your house, but the program is very buggy and unstable, we have had terrible issues with it. Like all line based filters this won’t slow down your computer as much but the program has serious issues.
Etrog – Much tighter filtering from the same company as Rimon, geared towards the Frum community. This has much better filtering, but is really more of a whitelist.
Netfree – is a very good filter. The king of ISP filters and the standard required by many communities. It is through the internet line. It is cheap compared to the others. It only works with specific Internet Service Providers. You cannot use regular Bezeq binleumi. You will need to switch to an Internet provider that they support. Netfree’s support is very good and they genuinely try to help, but its limited to what they will agree to open. You can add a lock to the computer to only allow it to use Netfree internet so even out of the home it will only connect to filtered Netfree internet. If the level of filtering is good for you its the best option out there by far. They also have a VPN option where you can filter the computer even when not on a Netfree line, but its not long term recommended.
Device Based:
Techloq- Great filtering with a ton of options. Good, English speaking support. You pay per device. We highly recommend having a good computer for device based filters so it will not slow down your computer. Higher cost relative to ISP based filter but can be better fit if English speaking support is important and super customizable like no other filter.
NativUSA- Great filtering if you want a WHITELIST, not as customizable. English speaking support, but mostly US hours (as of this writing). You pay per device. We highly recommend having a good computer for device based filters so it will not slow down your computer. Higher cost relative to ISP based filter but can be better fit if English speaking support is important.
GenTech – Works on many types of devices, more popular in the US than here, personally haven loved the tech support, but the filtering is good.
CPU Minimum i3 (AMD laptop CPUs are very disappointing for everyday tasks tried and tested many times).
For a full-service home/business computer i5 (and above) are highly recommended.
Pentiums and Celerons will work just for typing Torah, for internet minimum i3.
For Otzar Hachochma use, again i5 is highly recommended.
If you want to install a frum filter like Nativ, Techloq Livigent-Gentech you really want an i5.
For graphics i5 is minimum, although an i7 is recommended there are i5s very close to i7s, depending on the chip so in i5 and i7s are higher and lower end CPUs too.
RAM/Memory: Minimum 4GB RAM for basic basic use. We HIGHLY recommend 8GB RAM for standard computer use. For real heavy internet use or heavy multi-tasking over 8GB is not a bad idea. For graphics 16GB is standard.
Hard drive/SSD:Preferably with SSD for writing Torah 64GB can be usable but for a desktop replacement 120GB minimum is needed, and 240 preferred. For graphics a 500GB+ SSD is highly recommended or you will run into space issues with temp files sooner than later.
SSD is preferable to other upgrades i.e., its first thing to spend more on. If I had choice between SSD or 8GB RAM, SSD wins hands down.
Any computer today without an SSD will be much slower than when new within a few months.
There are literally thousands of options. Based on these specs pick one and then lookup reviews
I mostly have had better luck with the top brands, Dell especially, then Lenovo HP . These have decent follow support, meaning they look for issues and post updates for years to come on their support sites. Overall quality every brand makes junk and better mid-range quality to top quality.
Acers are usually fine initial quality with nice specs usually, but parts are unavailable if anything breaks. Little to no post manufacture driver support.
Asus are usually cheaper, I find them to have parts issues, light bleeding in the screens and extremely dishonest warranty support. Little to no post manufacture driver support and therefore don’t sell them at all.
We are dealers in Israel for all the brand name computers. We offer a fully setup computer, with Hebrew letters on the keys (no stickers), Israeli warranty by the manufacturer, set up with registered Windows and Office, and whatever basic programs you need.
Our Windows installs are up to date, clean, run fast and have no extra unnecessary junk on it to slow you down.
Contact us for a current list of the laptops we have in stock.
Inkjets Vs. LaserWe would love to say forget inkjets all together.
Slow to print.
Jam all the time.
The ink runs when it gets wet.
The ink cartridges dry out all the time if not used often.
The cartridges run you in circle trying to get them recognized.
Generic cartridges are not nearly the same quality as the originals, at best are hit and miss.
Basically, a white elephant, cheap to buy but a huge pain in the long run.
Laser Printers In laser printers though there is still a range.
The smaller lasers arent junk, but its not meant for a full size office or a heavy gan use
The M227 or similar is a much higher quality machine starts at 1000-1400 shek toners still give 1500-3500 but the machine is faster and higher quality.
The M428 or similar is a bigger jump starts at 1400-2000, it starts at a higher initial investment at approx 1400 shek, but the toner is only a little more for generic and prints 9000/1000 pages, you covered the cost in six months, and the machine jams much less, prints faster, holds more paper etc.
For commercial use it usually makes sense to have a heavier BW machine like the M428 and color separate, its long term cheaper and lasts longer as color lasers toners only give 1000 pages. If you use that machine for every day it would cost a bomb.
Once you go into the color machines your prices start going up. A 1800 machine is baseline so you are getting a 1,000-1500 pages a toner as opposed to a black and white machine in that price range you getting 9,000 Pages a toner. It’s a much more commercial machine and much cheaper to operate so it’s usually cheaper and more efficient and longer-lasting to have two separate machines.
Note all these machines are plastic, the fully commercial machines are 3000+
Stock keeps changing so contact us for update info
People always confuse Cloud Sync (Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, DropBox, iCloud) and Cloud Backup (Backblaze, Carbonite etc)
Here is a great article to clear up the confusion.
Backup in a nutshell:
Whatever backup options you choose, remember to follow the 3-2-1 rule of backups: 3 – Keep 3 copies of any important file: 1 primary and 2 backups. 2 – Keep the files on 2 different media types to protect against different types of hazards. 1 – Store 1 copy offsite (e.g., outside your home or business facility).
Backup not in a nutshell:
There are two base options. Local backup and Cloud backup.
Let’s go through the pros and cons of local and cloud backups though you should be using both.
Pros of Local: Fast to recover from and fast to backup to and recover from
Independent of internet speed, availability and stability.
Cons of Local:
Vulnerable to the same issues as the computer its backing up; Such as in the event of theft, fire, flood, general drive failures, viruses.
Pros of cloud:
Cloud is not affected by any of these physical issues, in addition, cloud backup isn’t prone to viruses etc.
Proper versioning and file history- so if you change or delete a file and you need to retrieve the version before it.
Cons of cloud:
Backing up and recovering all the data from the cloud can take time and depends on network stability in case of a catastrophic failure, so for individuals or business where full quick recovery is essential local is necessary too.
Backblaze Personal Free Trial
Comparing Backup Services
For serious backups We have semi managed backups through Backblaze Groups $8 a month per device, and fully managed backup solutions through MSP360/Wasabi where we can overview and manage your backups for a monthly fee, obviously this is more suitable for businesses than private users, pricing starts at $15 a month for the first device and $8 per additional device using the same cloud storage quota.
All managed backups have a one time setup fee
Pro: Desktops initially aren’t cheaper but you even the cheapest ones we sell can still be a pretty powerful system, the box is larger the parts are larger, and this also means the desktop processors can be more powerful than laptop processors.
Pro: Desktops can make use of full-size keyboards and are more comfortable to use long term. The screens are bigger and more ergonomically placed.
Pro: Most components in a desktop are removable, making it easier to upgrade. Desktop cases are larger, providing more room inside to upgrade if the need be and add hardware.
Pro: Repairing a desktop computer is generally easier because most of the hardware can be purchased off the shelf of any local computer retail store. The desktop computer chassis is also much bigger and easier to work with than a laptop making repairs and upgrades cheaper.
Con: Desktops need a dedicated space.
Pro: Laptops are portable. They are great for on-the-go use.
Con: For most users, opening a laptop to repair a part can be difficult, and finding a replacement part often requires calling the computer manufacturer or ordering from China and waiting weeks for parts to arrive.
Con: To get a more powerful laptop (higher speed, better graphics, more storage space, etc.), the price can be considerably higher and still won’t be as fast or reliable as a desktop with the same specs.
Con: Memory and hard drive are the only components that can be upgraded in a laptop. A need to upgrade anything other than the hard drive and memory usually requires a new laptop.
In other words, if you want the most bang for your buck and portability is not necessary, a desktop is likely the best choice. Desktops are optimal choices for graphic-intensive gaming, use of CAD applications, and for those who prefer to have the reliability and option of upgrading more easily.

- Oholei Yosef 3, Jerusalem, Israel
- 02-563-6018
- +1 (732) 523-5479
- Sun - Thurs: 9:15am - 8:00pm
- Friday: 9:15am - 12:00pm